Welcome to my [[Knowledge Garden|notes]]. These are written for me, but feel free to have a look. I’m working to publish a larger portion of my notes. For now it’s just these. --- [[It's almost never one or the other]] [[Learning a language is like playing an open world RPG]] [[ChatGPT marks an AI inflection point]] [[All your time is yours]] [[Goal orientation and living in the moment - not a contradiction|Goal orientation and living in the moment: not a contradiction]] [[How I use Git for my Obsidian vault]] [[Where does universal compassion come from?]] --- Please ignore the [[Dataview]] stuff at the end of some notes, I haven’t taken the effort to remove it for [[Obsidian Publish]]. For many notes, I mention a “source”, I use this term quite broadly, meaning either “source where I found this information” or “source that sparked the idea for me to write this note”. --- Some recommendations - [[Solaris, 2023-09-08|The Way of The Superior Man - Miyamoto Musashi (YouTube)]] - [[Cynthia Zhou, 2022-12-10|How culture made Japanese Internet design "Weird" (YouTube)]] - [[Stevey's Google Platforms Rant (web)]] - [[TJ DeVries, 2021-03-06|TJ DeVries - Neovim Workflow and Fuzzy Searching Code (YouTube)]] - [[James Briggs, 2023-02-01|Prompt Engineering with OpenAI's GPT-3 and other LLMs (YouTube)]] - [[Individuation Portal, 2021-03-06|Ram Dass - Let Your Relationships Become A Vehicle For Freedom (YouTube)]]